Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gai Paris

So I'm going to Paris on Thursday to deliver my conference paper. Much good may it do me. I plan to walk one of Beckett's favorite routes, though I shall not visit his grave in Montparnasse - his work is quite depressing enough.

Listened to a sermon at Evensong tonight - God uses people who grumble, I was told. From where I stand he's been working overtime.

Read a short story by Balzac called 'The Atheist's Mass'. Raised some interesting questions but I was expecting more. Something that cut deeper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck in Gay Paris!

Having read that back, it looks like I hope you get some action in a seedy club in Le Marais - although that wasn't my intention. At all.

I'm sure the paper will be well received. Bonne chance, anyway!